
Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Insurance is always a Mistake. If you buy and nothing happens, it is a Small mistake. Don't buy and something happens, that is a BIG mistake.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Policy 2010 - outlook

The new outlook of policy document comprises a jacket to house the policy document, slot to insert medical cards and also a pocket to insert loose items such as MHI Booklet and also endorsement slips in the future. The whole package of the policy document will come sealed in a plastic cover. All policy documents and endorsement slip will be in B5 size which slightly smaller compared to current A4 size which would again make it easier to carry the policy documents around.

The launch date of this new policy document outlook is on the 5th of April 2010


Monday, April 12, 2010

Should I Buy Medical Insurance

medical care

Should I buy medical insurance when I’m already covered by my  employer? This is a common question I get and I understand why you might  ask it.

There are 2 things on your mind. First, should I pay my own money for  something I might not need until I retire and secondly, should I depend  on the company cover? These are 2 main consideration.

Working as an employee have its good points and one of the perks is  that you get group medical insurance. Employers provides such cover to  retain staff, to attract talent and to avoid paying medical bills out of  their own pocket.

Even so, I firmly recommend my customers to have some form of  individual medical insurance because:-
  • employers can and will change the medical insurance benefits they  give to you. Normally it is done without your knowledge until you need  to make a claim
  • insurance companies change their terms (the fine print) without you  or even your employers knowledge
  • your past medical history automatically excludes you. In big  organizations, you don’t even fill up any form. Unless your company is  buying a big policy on you (usually for top management staff only). At  the point of making a claim, some insurance will point to a pre-existing  illness and you can’t make any claim
  • your employer or your spouse’s stops offering insurance for you or  your family
  • you might suffer a critical illness like cancer or stroke, and the  amount provided by your employer is not sufficient

Having you own medical insurance means you are in control and have a  backup cover. Besides that, here are some situations which you might end  up needing to seek affordable individual medical insurance:
  • you lose (or quit) your job
  • you have insurance through your spouse, and they lose or quit their  job
  • you change jobs, and your new employer has a waiting period before  you become eligible for coverage
  • you decided to retire early

These are some reason you should think about when you ask yourself  “Should I buy medical insurance”

36 Critical illnesses – Crisis Cover

What is Crisis  Cover?

Event when  you are diagnosed as suffering from one of a range of 36 critical  illnesses and and survive for 30 days. Prudential will compensate you  with certain amount based on your premiums. For example, minimum  RM20,000

What are  the 36 illnesses are covered by the Crisis Cover plans?
  1. AIDS as  a result of a blood transfusion
  3. Alzheimer's Disease
  5. Aorta Surgery
  7. APALLIC Syndrome
  9. Aplastic Anaemia
  11. Bacterial Meningitis
  13. Benign Brain Tumour
  15. Blindness
  17. Brain Surgery
  19. Cancer
  21. Chronic Liver Disease
  23. Chronic Lung Disease
  25. Coma
  27. Coronary Artery Disease Requiring  Surgery
  29. Deafness
  31. Encephalitis
  33. Full Blown AIDS
  35. Fulminant Viral Hepatitis
  37. Heart Attack
  39. Heart Valve Replacement or Repair
  41. Kidney Failure
  43. Loss of Limbs
  45. Loss of Speech
  47. Major Organ Transplant
  49. Major Burns
  51. Major Head Trauma
  53. Motor Neurone Disease
  55. Multiple Sclerosis
  57. Muscular Dystrophy
  59. Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease
  61. Paralysis
  63. Parkinson's Disease
  65. Poliomyelitis
  67. Primary Pulmonary Arterial  Hypertension
  69. Stroke
  71. Terminal Illness

Crisis  Shield / Crisis Cover is the plan you must have in your Life  Insurance, please make sure you know how much your benefits if you are  diagnosed with 36 critical illnesses.

What is Life Insurance - Newbie’s

We start we definition of Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Life insurance is an insurance coverage that pays out a certain amount of money to the insured or their specified beneficiaries upon a certain event such as death of the individual who is insured

Basic coverage for all type Life Insurance

1. Sum Assured
2. Coverage for Critical Illness

How many types of Life Insurance available?

Basic type's policies are
  • Term insurance - This offers insurance protection for a limited period only whereby the money is paid up if you pass away or if you suffer total and permanent disability.

  • Whole life insurance - Life-long protection and premiums are paid throughout your life and the money including any bonuses will be paid when you pass away or suffer total and permanent disability.

  • Endowment - A combination of protection and savings whereby the money will be paid at the end of a specific period upon your demise or if you suffer total and permanent disability.

  • Investment-linked - For investment-linked insurance, your premium is used to buy life insurance protection and units in a fund managed by the life insurance company. The benefits paid to you or your nominee will depend on the price of the units at the time you surrender your policy or when you pass away.

  • Life annuity plan - Series of payments paid to you until you pass away. Types of annuity include immediate annuity or deferred annuity.

  • Supplementary rider/cover - A rider is a supplement attached to the basic insurance plan such as endowment or whole life.

  • Mortgage reducing term assurance (MRTA) - An insurance protection plan that covers the repayment of an outstanding property loan to the financial institution in the event of untimely death, disability or critical illness of the borrower.

PRUcash Double Reward

By Azrul

 Triple of 2% is a Reality

The current fixed deposit  rates of 2010 are a low return. What worse is the bank rate is dropping
Break Free!!
It is Time to Change
It is possible to earn 3% or even up to 6% per annum GUARANTEED !
PruCash Double Reward from Prudential is a product designed to help you maximize your Fixed Deposit savings.
Now you don't need to take unnecessary investment risk e.g. stocks, unit trusts.
Risking volatile market rates and speculations.
We have a plan with GUARANTEED Returns
Please Follow my Illustration
Assuming that today Mr Kamal Age 30 have RM10,000 that he want to into fixed deposit.
Mr Kamal need to put the money without movement in the bank before earning 2.5% interest.
The BETTER WAY for Mr Kamal
PruCash Double will pay him RM1050 in the first year as compared to RM250 in the FD !
That is 4 times return in the FIRST YEAR itself !
Excited ? Want to know more ?
For PruCash Double and other financial product information please contact me at 016 2206 966 or send me an email at

36 Jenis Penyakit Kritikal

Berikut adalah senarai 36 penyakit kritikal

  1. Serangan Penyakit Jantung
  2. Penyakit Koronari Arteri Yang Memerlukan Pembedahan
  3. Strok
  4. Kanser
  5. Kegagalan Ginjal (Buah Pinggang)
  6. Penyakit Lumpuh/Paraplegia
  7. Pemindahan Organ Utama
  8. Sklerosis Pelbagai / Berbilang
  9. Hepatitis Virus Fulminan
  10. Hipertensi Arteri Pulmonari Utama
  11. Koma
  12. Buta
  13. Penggantian Injap Jantung
  14. Pembedahan Aorta
  15. Penyakit Alzheimer
  16. Hilang Pendengaran / Pekak
  17. Hilang Kebolehan Bertutur (Bisu)
  18. Kebakaran Parah
  19. Penyakit Membawa Maut
  20. Aids Akibat Transfusi Darah
  21. Penyakit Motor Neuron
  22. Penyakit Parkinson
  23. Penyakit Hati Yang Kronik
  24. Penyakit Peparu Yang Kronik
  25. Anemia Aplastik
  26. Distrofi Otot
  27. Poliomielitis
  28. Meningitis Bakteria
  29. Tumor Otak Benigna
  30. Ensefalitis
  31. Full Blown Aids
  32. Lain-Lain Penyakit Koronari Arteri Yang Serius
  33. Pembedahan Otak
  34. Sindrom Apalik
  35. Trauma Kepala Utama
  36. Kehilangan Tangan Atau Kaki